
Zakeke Shines as a Top-8 Featured App on Wix

Zakeke Featured App on Wix

We’re excited to share some fantastic news! Our Visual Product Customizer has been selected as one of the top-8 recommended apps on Wix, a significant achievement highlighting our commitment to empowering online merchants. 

Being spotlighted in Wix’s App Store isn’t just a win; it’s proof that Zakeke is reshaping the e-commerce landscape with unparalleled innovation.

What is Zakeke?

Our Visual Product Customizer has earned recognition from Wix as a top App. However, Zakeke offers much more than mere customization capabilities. It stands as a transformative force in the realm of visual commerce. Our platform boasts an array of powerful tools designed to revolutionize the online shopping experience.

Dive into our all-in-one platform and discover:

Why Zakeke Stands Out?

Zakeke stands out with its seamless integration capabilities:


Being recognized by Wix marks just the start of our journey. At Zakeke, we are committed to continuous innovation, adapting to the evolving demands of online merchants and their customers. Our focus is on spearheading the e-commerce evolution, empowering our customers to offer distinct and unique shopping experiences that truly set them apart in the marketplace.


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