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How to Use Augmented Reality in eCommerce:
Practical Guide

How to use AR in ecommerce

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In the rapidly evolving online shopping landscape, businesses face the challenge of staying competitive with the latest e-commerce trends.

Thankfully, access to valuable and differenzianti information and technologies has never been easier. Augmented Reality (AR) is one such technology revolutionizing e-commerce.

Want to know how to use AR in e-commerce? You’re in the right place! Curious to test AR in your store? Try Zakeke’s Augmented Reality tool and bring your collection to life in seconds.

What is Augmented Reality?

Let’s start from the beginning. What is AR technology? And how does it help to enhance your e-commerce site’s performance?

Augmented Reality is a technology that changes the appearance of the real world by layering digital information on top of it. It allows you to bring a digital object into a real space.

This technology has been around for some time but has only recently begun to be important to the e-commerce industry. The use of Augmented Reality in e-commerce allows customers to virtually try on products, such as AR for clothing or AR for jewelry, and also allows customers to see products as they are, placing them in a real space.

Whether you are looking for an Augmented Reality clothing app for your clothing retail company, or you are looking for a solution that allows you to easily and interactively show off your custom-made furniture and home goods, there is likely to be a solution available for your business.

As more businesses realize that AR technology can be used to improve the customer experience and increase sales, the software solutions that offer the tools they need to use Augmented Reality in e-commerce are becoming increasingly popular.

Let’s dive in and discover more about AR in e-commerce.

Augmented reality for Funriture

Bring Your Products to Life with Augmented Reality!

Boost buyers' confidence and allow them to visualize your collection in their real space. Try it now!

Virtual Reality VS. Augmented Reality Shopping

VTO Zakeke for Shopify

Even though many people are familiar with the ideas of Virtual and Augmented Reality, many people use these words interchangeably or think of them as the same type of technology.

In reality, this is not true. There’s a big difference between Virtual and Augmented Reality and each can bring a different value to the online marketplace. But, before discussing what are the benefits of VR and AR in eCommerce, you may be wondering what the difference between them is?

We’re thinking about a perfect example to explain this different. First-person perspective games would better explain what a VR experience would be like.  

  • Virtual Reality: Try thinking about it in terms of video games. Most video games are created with the goal of some kind of virtual reality in mind — these games are creating an entirely digital world and environment for you to interact with. Many games allow you to control a virtual character within a virtual world. 
  • Augmented Reality: An Augmented Reality game, on the other hand, would be something more like Pokémon GO. This game allows you to see Pokémon existing in your natural environment — meaning your phone creates a digital image of a Pokémon in the view of your camera so it looks like it is existing in the real world.

Think about shopping, it’s the same thing.

  • Augmented Reality shopping allows customers to bring digital products into their real life, visualizing and trying them on in their real spaces.
  • Virtual Reality shopping, on the other hand, offers a completely immersive experience by placing customers in a fully virtual environment. Unlike AR, which overlays digital elements onto the real world, VR creates an entirely new digital world where customers can explore virtual stores, interact with products, and experience shopping in a simulated environment.

VR & AR in E-commerce

So, what do these technologies mean for e-commerce? When it comes down to it, both Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality (in fashion, home goods, and other retail industries) can be extremely useful for a business.

These technologies, which allow customers to interact fully with the products they are considering purchasing, can make those customers much more confident in their purchases.

VR and AR additionally make the shopping experience much more enjoyable and engaging for your customers. They can boost product engagement and buying confidence, and also reduce returns.

Businesses that are thinking about or have already adopted Augmented Reality shopping solutions are growing every day. Why stay behind? Don’t follow trends, set them. Customers are looking for immersive experiences; give them the top shopping journeys they desire.

How? It’s simple. Let’s see how.

How Augmented Reality Can Elevate Your eCommerce

Get started with AR and create the best Visual Shopping Experience ever for your customers!

Augmented Reality Examples & Applications

3d AR furniture

If you are looking for Augmented Reality eCommerce examples, there are plenty of options to choose from. Here are some of the most common use cases:

Augmented Reality for Shoes and Clothes

Imagine being able to try on shoes and clothes directly online, as an in-store experience. Augmented Reality shoes makes this possible by allowing customers to visualize and virtually wear shoes (and clothes) in their own homes. This technology provides a more interactive and personalized shopping experience, boosting confidence in purchases and reducing the likelihood of returns. 

Augmented Reality for Jewelry

Think about high-priced items, like jewelry: shopping them online can be challenging, but Augmented Reality is changing the game. With AR and Virtual Try-On for e-commerce, customers can see how different pieces of jewelry look on them in real-time. Whether it’s a necklace, ring, or pair of earrings, AR helps customers make more confident decisions.

augmented reality jewels

Augmented Reality for Makeup

Finding the right makeup products online can be tricky. This is where AR comes into play! With AR, customers can try-on different makeup products virtually, seeing how shades and styles look on their face in real-time. This technology enhances the online beauty shopping experience, helping customers find the perfect products without the need for physical testers. It’s a must-have for any modern beauty retailer.

Augmented Reality for Glasses

When talking about Augmented Reality in retail, we immediately think of glasses! Choosing the right pair of glasses or sunglasses is crucial, and AR can help customers make the perfect choice. AR allows customers to virtually try on eyewear, seeing how different frames suit their face shape and style. This not only makes the shopping process more fun and engaging but also ensures that customers are happy with their purchase.

Augmented Reality for Furniture

Buying furniture online can be daunting, especially when you’re not sure if it will fit or look good in your space. Augmented Reality technology solves this problem by allowing customers to place virtual furniture in their homes. This way, they can see how different pieces will look and fit before making a purchase. More confident decisions for your customers, and less returns for your store!

AR chair

You may also be able to find Augmented Reality examples in daily life if you keep an eye out for them. Especially today, when the majority of consumers handle most of their shopping needs online, it is becoming increasingly more important for businesses to adopt new and innovative technologies that allow their customers to feel confident and secure in their purchase decisions. 

After all, returns and exchanges are not pleasant for all involved. The more returns that can be avoided, your business will be better off. So, while a full-on Augmented Reality shopping mall may not have been popularized yet, there are many tremendous benefits to using AR technologies to offer more engaging and interactive content to your customers.

Benefits of Augmented Reality in E-commerce

AR viewer for ecommerce

There are a number of examples that can show the benefits of using Augmented Reality in e-commerce. In 2018 UPS estimated that 27% of consumers returned items they purchased because when they got them delivered to their home, they were not as they were described on the website. 

Augmented Reality technology can bring several extremely valuable benefits to the world of online shopping, for both retailers and customers:

  • More Customer Engagement: Augmented Reality for products increases customer engagement, letting customers play with the products in your store, view them from all angles, and place them in their space.
  • Confident Decisions: Customers can see what they’re buying directly online, increasing their confidence in making a purchase.
  • Fewer Returns: AR in e-commerce helps reduce returns because customers can try on products before buying them.

For customers, AR e-commerce provides a better and more interactive Customer Experience: they know exactly what are the products’ features and they’re also able to try on products before making the purchase.

The result? Better Customer Experience and improved Customer Satisfaction.

AR in E-commerce: Best Practices

Hat customizer

How to start using AR in e-commerce? There are several best practices you should follow:

  1. Make sure the AR experience is seamless: the AR experience should be easy to use and doesn’t cause any frustration for customers;
  2. Use high-quality images: the AR content should be high-quality to ensure that customers have a great experience;
  3. Prefer WebAR instead of App-based AR: why ask customers to download an app if you can let them join the AR experience directly on your website from any device?
  4. Be sure to have hyper-realistic 3D models: to use AR, you need 3D models. Make sure to choose the right partner to create 3D models for your collection, so you can offer a hyper-realistic AR experience;
  5. Keep improving the AR experience: make sure to continuously improve the AR experience for customers by listening to their feedback and making updates.

Augmented Reality Viewer for E-commerce: Why Zakeke?

3D visualization software Zakeke for shopify

Ok, how to implement AR in your store? It’s not as difficult as you might think. You only need a good AR viewer, and Zakeke’s 3D & AR Viewer is the right choice for your e-business.

Why Zakeke?

  • 100% WebAR, no app downloads needed;
  • Seamlessly works on any device;
  • 1-click Plug&Play integration with all major e-commerce platforms, from Shopify to WooCommerce;
  • Easy to use for both merchants and customers, no IT skills required;
  • Don’t have 3D models yet? We help you create your 3D items without hefty investments;
  • Easily implement AR with just a QR code, anywhere;
  • Merge AR with live product customization for a fully customized and immersive experience;
  • AI-powered Virtual Try-On for any product, ensuring a perfect fit experience everywhere;
  • Frequent updates based on customer needs and feedback;
  • No website slowdowns, top performance on any device.

The best part? You can try Zakeke for FREE now for 14 days or book a quick demo to learn more with guidance from one of our experts. What are you waiting for?

Augmented reality for Funriture

Bring Your Products to Life with Augmented Reality!

Boost buyers' confidence and allow them to visualize your collection in their real space. Try it now!

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