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3D Product Visualization for E-Commerce: Your Ultimate Guide

3D product visualization

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Your customers crave more than ordinary experiences. Don’t settle for the ordinary. It’s time to offer immersive, interactive, and personalized experiences. This is where 3D product visualization comes into play.

Especially for those working in the e-commerce world, opting for a 3D Product visualization tool becomes crucial. More conversions, less returns, more satisfaction. Why not?

If you’re thinking about implementing 3D visualization in your e-commerce, we’ve got you covered! Try Zakeke 3D Visualizer and find out how to leverage the power of 3D to elevate your product showcase to new heights!

What is 3D Product Visualization?

Those working in the e-commerce sector know this well: traditional 2D images fail to communicate the true value of products or provide customers with a detailed idea that convinces them to purchase. For this reason, 3D has now become the new norm, the new standard that online sellers must embrace.

What is 3D Product Visualization? It is the process of creating a 3D model of a product and then using that model to display the product on various types of media. How does it work? This technique employs advanced software to create highly realistic models and animations that accurately reflect the look, feel, and features of a product.

3D visualization tools can transform your website, allowing customers to view products in ways they’ve never been able to before. By visualizing products in this manner, customers can be confident they’re getting exactly what they want – they won’t be surprised if their dream sofa looks different from the back upon arrival.

3D product visualization and 3D catalogs are the best ways to enhance your products’ showcase and stay on trend with competitors. Let’s dive into 3D model visualization world!

How 3D Visualization is Transforming Online Shopping

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Of US consumers aged 18-35 demand a personalized & immersive experience

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Shopify affirms that 3D visualization leads to 5% decrease in return rates

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Charged Retail finds 3D visualization boosts e-commerce conversions by 94%

Customers are seeking increasingly immersive experiences, and the data backs this up. Today’s two major trends in the e-commerce world are undoubtedly 3D and immersive experiences, along with product personalization.

Merchants who understand their customers’ needs and innovate their offerings by leveraging these new technologies are inevitably a step ahead and set trends. But how to begin? Let’s continue reading.

3D product visualization

Unlock 3D For Your Store in 1,2,3!

Take your e-catalog to life, unlok the ultimate shopping experience on your store!

The Essential Role of 3D Models in E-commerce

3d visualization models

Crafting 3D models for e-commerce isn’t just about the technicalities; it’s an art form that bridges the gap between the physical and digital worlds.

How to start? Many brands dig into their digital vaults to pull out 3D design or CAD files they’ve used in manufacturing. It’s like finding treasure in your backyard that you can polish up for the digital age.

Then, there are a few cool ways to get those models ready:

  • 3D Scanning: picture using a gadget that captures every curve and edge of a product from all around, turning it into a digital twin. It’s almost like creating a video game character out of a real object;
  • Photogrammetry: this is where you go paparazzi on a product, snapping pics from every angle. Software then stitches these photos into a model that feels so real, you’d think you could reach out and touch it;
  • 3D Designing from Scratch: sometimes, you start with just an idea. Using design software, you bring that idea to life in 3D. It’s a bit like being a digital sculptor, where your tools are your software, and your marble block is a blank digital canvas.

Once you’ve got your model, it’s all about making it web-ready. This means tweaking it so it looks fab without making your website lag.

Integrating Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality is the cherry on top. It lets people see how a couch looks in their living room or how a pair of glasses fits on their face without leaving their house.

And just like fashion trends, 3D models need updates to stay fresh. New product colors? Add them. A tweak in design? Update it. It keeps everything feeling new and exciting.

In the end, 3D models in e-commerce are about creating connections. They let customers get up close and personal with products in ways photos alone can’t match. It’s about making the online shopping experience as real, immersive, and engaging as possible.

2D vs. 3D: 9 Key Benefits of 3D Product Visualization

Why should you embrace the 3D revolution now? Here are the key benefits of using 3D product visualization software for your e-commerce:

1. Boosting Sales

Picture this: shoppers can virtually play around with your products, turning them, zooming in, enjoying 360° product views, and getting a real feel for what they’re about to buy. Naturally, when people know what they’re getting into, they’re more likely to take the plunge and make a purchase.

2. Showcasing Products Like Never Before

With 3D visualizing, every little detail of your product gets its moment in the spotlight. It’s not just about showing; it’s about showcasing. This kind of transparency builds trust – and it looks pretty cool, too.

3. Cutting Down on Returns

Ever bought something online and then thought, “This wasn’t what I expected” when it arrived? 3D product visualization tackles that problem head-on. Customers get a good look at what they’re buying, which means they’re more likely to be happy with their purchase when it lands on their doorstep.

4. Time and Money Saving

3D product visualization can help you save time and money compared to traditional product photography. Instead of having to take multiple photos of each product, you can create a single 3D model that you can use in multiple ways.

5. Eco-Friendly and Wallet-Friendly

Think about the waste saved when you don’t need to produce a physical sample of every product variation. Plus, reducing returns means less waste and no additional costs for your company.

6. More Time on Product Pages

Ever notice how time flies when you’re engrossed in something fascinating? That’s the effect 3D views have on customers. They stick around, exploring your products, and that extra time spent on your site? It translates into better sales.

7. Creating Better Shopping Experiences

Shopping online loses some of its magic without the tactile joy of touching and seeing products up close. 3D brings a bit of that magic back, making shopping from a screen a whole lot more satisfying.

8. Building Loyalty and Satisfaction

When customers feel confident in their purchases, see all the details upfront, and have fun shopping, they come back for more. Happy customers are loyal customers.

9. Opening Doors to High-Ticket Sales

Selling expensive items online can be tricky. Shoppers hesitate to spend big without a clear sense of what they’re buying. 3D changes the game, making it easier to sell luxury items by giving a detailed look that photos alone can’t match.

Top Industries Reaping the Benefits of 3D Product Visualization

Diving deeper into the world of 3D product visualization, it’s clear some industries are not just participating; they’re leading the charge, completely redefining what it means to shop online.

3D Furniture

With 3D visualization, the idea of “seeing is believing” takes on a new meaning. Customers can virtually place furniture in their homes, checking the fit and harmony with their existing decor. It’s a game-changer, allowing for a hands-on experience from the comfort of your couch.


The sparkle of jewelry becomes even more captivating with 3D. Now, add the magic of virtual try-ons, and it’s a whole new world. Customers can see how a piece looks on them, bringing the luxury and detail of each jewel to life right before their eyes, making the online shopping experience as thrilling as the real deal.


For the style-savvy, visual 3D is like a dream-fitting room. Shoppers can see how garments look and drape on virtual models – or even on themselves – transforming online shopping into an interactive fashion show. It’s the next best thing to strutting to the fitting room, without ever leaving home.


Car enthusiasts can now craft their dream car in 3D, tweaking colors, interiors, and accessories to their heart’s content. They can also live inside the car thanks to new immersive experiences and choose their dream car even from home.

Home Decoration 

Elevating your space is easier than ever with 3D visualization. Mix and match decorations in 3D using AR in your spaces, experimenting until everything feels just right. It’s a revolutionary tool for anyone looking to capture that perfect home atmosphere before making any commitments.

Tech Devices

In the gadget world, 3D visualization software can play a pivotal role, letting customers explore the nuances of everything from smartphones to gaming consoles. It offers a virtual hands-on experience, providing a sense of the product’s look and feel from every angle.

Who says 3D has to be tough and costly?

Download the infographic and find out what you need to turn 3D with ease!

Beyond E-Commerce: 3D Visualization in Marketing Campaigns

3d asset manager

Using 3D visualization isn’t just boosting those e-commerce numbers; it’s a solid strategy to make your marketing campaigns stand out. Why?

  1. Better Showcasing the Quality of Your Products: Imagine being able to show off your product’s sleek design, the way it shines under the light, or the intricate details that photos can’t capture – all before your customer has even touched it. That’s what 3D can do with your catalog. Your ads will cath customers’ attention in seconds.

  2. Creating More Immersive Ads: Remember those ads that felt so real, you almost felt like you were part of the scene? Ok, now you can create these ads for your business! 3D advertising pulls your audience into a virtual world, making the experience of discovering your products not just informative but also engaging.

  3. Boosting Engagement: By bringing your products to life with 3D visuals, you’re not just catching eyes; you’re inviting your audience to explore, rotate, and really get to know what you’re offering. This kind of engagement is priceless because it means people are spending more time with your brand.

In the end, 3D isn’t just important for increasing online sales, but it’s also key to running successful marketing campaigns. To convince someone to buy your products, you need to bring them to your site first. What better strategy than using 3D and immersive communication to do just that?

How To Start With 3D Visualization in Your Store

The demand for 3D product rendering services has grown in recent years thanks to the rise of online shopping. With shoppers unable to view products in-store, it has become even more important for businesses to provide accurate, detailed product descriptions and imagery.

Getting started with 3D product visualization for e-commerce is easier than you might think. There are many 3D visualization software with affordable and flexible solutions that can be tailored to your specific needs. 

To get started, simply choose a company that you feel confident in, and then work with them to create and share 3D models of your products. During the selection process, it’s important to consider how easy the platform is to use, as well as its ability to integrate with your existing platforms and processes.

Zakeke’s 3D Product Viewer: it helps e-commerce businesses to take their store to the next level thanks to customization, 3D visualization, AR and Virtual Try-On.

What is a 3D Product Viewer?

3D custom shoes

A 3D viewer showcases products from all angles so that customers know exactly what a product looks like before buying. This technology is heavily dependent on AR. AR allows users to place digital objects in real-world environments. 

By combining AR with 3D technology, businesses can provide customers with immersive, interactive experiences for product previews. With these tools, you can even see how furniture and other equipment might look in your home, examining it from all sides to find the perfect fit. 

3D product viewing has become especially relevant with the rise of online shopping. Without the ability to “try things on” in the store, so to speak, consumers have become increasingly reliant on this technology to test products. They want to be sure that items, especially customizable products, are going to meet their needs, and a
3D product visualizer allows them to get a comprehensive look at items, even though they’re not physically interacting with them.

3D Viewer like that offered by Zakeke simplifies the buying process and provides consumers with a greater number of customization options. This leads to better outcomes for businesses and customers alike.

Best 3D Software for Product Visualization: Why Zakeke?

3D visualization software Zakeke for shopify

You need a 3D Product Viewer. Why Zakeke for your store? Zakeke’s 3D & AR Product Viewer is the right choice for any e-commerce business that wants to improve its catalog’s showcase and create the ultimate Shopping Experience.

Why Zakeke?

  • 1-click Plug&Play integration with all major e-commerce platforms, from Shopify to WooCommerce;
  • Easy to use, both for merchants and customers, no IT skills required;
  • Easy managing and storing of your 3D models (even if they’re hundreds!);
  • Don’t have 3D models yet? We help you to create your 3D catalog without hefty investments;
  • Seamless sharing 3D models everywhere without coding, just use links or QR codes;
  • Merge 3D world with live product customization for a fully-customized experience;
  • Use 3D models for AR and Virtual Try-Ons, no App download needed, all inside Zakeke;
  • Pay-as-your-Grow model, no hefty initial costs;
  • Frequent updates based on customers’ needs and questions;
  • No website slowdowns, top performance on any devices.

The right software for your business: 3D accessible for all, even small businesses, in days, not months!

The best part? You can try Zakeke for FREE now for 14 days or book a quick demo to learn more with the guidance of one of our experts. What are you waiting for? Enhance your store performance and embrace the 3D revolution – Install Zakeke today!

3D product visualization

Unlock 3D For Your Store in 1,2,3!

Take your e-catalog to life, unlok the ultimate shopping experience on your store!

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