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The Benefits of Print-on-Demand & Live Customization

print on demand and customization

Through visual customization and granular personalization, print-on-demand is changing the e-commerce industry. Gone are the days when you had to print in bulk and hope for customers to like the mass-produced range.

Now you can use POD integration and dropshipping to create need-based products that will have greater chances of success. 

What is print-on-demand? 

Print-on-demand uses digital printing technologies to print materials as per demand. This disrupts the old model of printing the same design in bulk and waiting for customers to choose from a limited and impersonal range. With customizable products, now organizations can start the printing process once customers initiate the action.

Live customization isn’t the only reason companies should be interested in print-on-demand. E-commerce firms and other organizations can also use dropshipping services with print-on-demand to deliver products to customers.

Printful, Invition, and CustomCat are only some of the organizations that are flourishing due to the following advantages of using visual customization through print-on-demand.

The advantages of print-on-demand and live customization

Less inventory

If you print in bulk, you need adequate storage space. If yours is an e-commerce business, this means you have to find extra space or rent a warehouse. Both these options are expensive recurring charges. 

With print-on-demand, you won’t be stocking unnecessary inventory. You’ll only start production once the customer has ordered from you. You would only need to store minimal stock that wouldn’t take up much space. 

Cost savings

In the conventional method, you have to invest significantly in production and printing. This is without knowing how much of it would be sold. With print-on-demand through print-ready files, you save on these up-front costs. If you can’t know the demand for the product, it’s a better option to wait for the market to decide. 

Or, if there is demonstrable demand, your production can scale effortlessly using print-ready files. Again, if you get a lukewarm response, you won’t lose anything in investments. You would also save money on shipment if you’re transporting it to the warehouse. 

Customization in batches

Printing in batches gives you the freedom to customize your product based on the demand. You can create relevant visual elements and text that will appeal to your target audience. This will allow for granular personalization and therefore, increased demand. 

Such visual customization through print-ready files will also give you an opportunity to upsell or sell more frequently to your audience. Since the message is focused and relevant for them, they will be more inclined to consider your product.

Eco-friendly option

With little wastage, print-on-demand is a superior environment-friendly option for companies. You will only be printing as and when needed. You don’t have to worry about excess supplies or finished products with no demand and no way to get rid of them.

Beyond the products, ingredients, and packaging materials that otherwise would be wasted, customizable products also minimize your marketing efforts. This leads to less wastage of marketing materials. 

Easier management

You don’t have to hire additional staff to keep track of your inventory. As a result, you also won’t need complex systems to manage your stocks or negotiate with your suppliers. POD will make it easier for you to manage your company. 

You also don’t have to hire additional staff members in marketing since you only have to start the process when the demand comes in. 

In short

When you integrate print-on-demand and visual customization, you’ll be able to cut costs, avoid manual customization, reduce management, and implement automation that will help your business scale, fast.


Print Customization: A Trend! Want to ride the wave and see if it’s right for your business? Try FREE online personalization with Zakeke, no hassles for your team. It’s free, try now!


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